English Debate Competition



“Somewhere in the Wonderland, we went mad.”

1. TH regrets the rise of movies in which Superheroes against each other. (e.g. Batman vs Superman, Captain America: Civil War)

2. THBT the depiction of good always win in the children stories bring more harm than good.

3. THBT Alice should not obey the rules in the Wonderland.

“Indonesia: A place to call home.”

1. THBT Indonesian government should grants legal protection to LGBTQIA community.

2. TH as Indonesian Government would increase its military troops in Natuna Sea.

3. Info slide: the Indonesian killings 1965-1966 was a series of events triggered by an attempted coup by the right wing forces in Indonesia against the then left wing sitting President Soekarno. The right wing leader President Soeharto took charge in Indonesia and in the following months to a year, the new government sought out Communists and the left wing followers were killed (estimated to mor.e than 500.000 people) in which they were murdered without given a fair trial and there even attempted act of Soeharto regime to erase the history of it. Since the regime eventually fell on 1998, there were many efforts from activists to call on government apology and reconciliation in which the result have never been satisfying. On 18-19 April this year, there is a symposium held by government to discuss the massacre with the victim family and activists, in which Coordinating Political Legal and Security Affairs Minister Luhut Pandjaitan stated that the government would not apologize for the massacre. TH as victim family would demand government apology.

“The West and the rest”

1. THBT Britain should remain in the European Union. 

2. On the deal to solve migrants crisis between EU-Turkey, TH as International Community should encourage Turkey to call of the deal.

3. THW ban all anti-obesity campaign

“Asia: Shine or Shame”

1. On the dispute in South China Sea, TH regrets China action which land its millitary aircraft in Yong Shi Reefs

2. THBT it is in ASEAN long term best interest to seek closer ties to USA than China

3. THBT ASEAN should sanction its members for environmental disasters which have international effect.
