AWWE's Debate Competition 2017

Prepared Motion List

Talking about who rules our life...
1.       THBT  Government should actively discourage consumerist lifestyles.
2.       THBT the increasing of the tax wouldn’t solve the poverty in Indonesia.
3.       THR the media focus on the personal lives of politicians.

You are free to choose what’s  your belief.
1.       THBT there should be no Chauvinism in Democratic Country.
2.       THW Allow individuals to sue religious organizations for making decisions that harm them.
3.       THBT government political decisions shouldn’t be dictated by religious beliefs.

Don’t grow up it’s a trap!
1.       TH is responsible to find a way to heal the “being unwanted” disease for society.
2.       THW punish parents for allowing their kids having a job.
3.       THBT childhood fairytales give a severe impact to the child psychology in the future.

Let’s  see about your concern towards humans’ mental health.
1.       THBT state should take over the custody of children whose parent(s) is diagnosed with psychiatric disorder.
2.       THBT developmental aid given to Indonesia from the international community should be made proportional to the decrease in the number of ‘pasung’ practice done to people with psychiatric disorder.
3.       TH regrets that celebrities made recounts of their struggle with psychiatric disorders.

At the end, happy researching. Really wishing you a high class understanding after you did your research and discussion, hopefully you could get the whole reason of why we debate.


A-core of AWWE 2017
Penta -- Pandji
