AWWE - Debate (Heading Motion)

Motion for AWWE  

Environment :

  •      Thw force pharmaceutical companies to allocate a percentage of their net income to the research of critical diseases.
  •      Thr the production of crude palm oil
  •      As the environment activist, THBT developing country should ban all nestle’s product

Education :

  • Thw abolish employability as one of measurements of university success.
  • Thr the romanticization of success stories in education.
  • THBT the “Zonation” system brings more harm than good to education system in Indonesia.

Crime and juctice :

  •       Thw criminally punish companies which have a culture of overwork
  •       That we support film, tv and literature that depicts historical events being resolved for the worse (eg. Germany winning WW2, the South winning the Civil War, etc.)
  •      Th supports military intervention to deliver to deliver emergency aid in humanitarian crises

Inovation :

  •   Thbt the developtment of AI should be stop
  •  Thw burn perfect virtual reality technology
  •  Assuming the researcher has found a memory machine. Thw support a massive production for human kind

📞Contact person:
1. Id Line: saydame/085248220500 (Lisa)
2. Id Line: karina_ea/081250583042 (Karina)
